Reflections of a Trump Rally

The Rally to Take Back America: What a Trump Rally is Really Like


Time Flies! Exactly two years ago I was at the Trump rally in Leesburg, VA. I still remember the unbelievable energy that was difficult to capture in writing and share with the world. I’m grateful to Cassandra Fairbanks and Tim Pool for interviewing me and publishing my reflections at the now defunct

The mood then was eerily similar to how so many of us feel today. It was  two days before the elections. As I’m writing it’s November 4th. We are so excited about Making America Great Again and we know it’s possible! But the world is telling us that things are hopeless. If the Democrats retake the house, it’s the destruction of the Trump agenda. The Democrat-Controlled house will work with the deep state to restart the Russia investigation. And that’s only the beginning.

And yet, just like that night; the air is filled with buoyant optimism and hope. The future is a door, an unknown that beckons to us. Right now, it’s trick or treat for America. Pandora’s box is about to open.

Let’s remember what it was like in 2016. The media was doing everything they could to reduce the MAGA vote and convince minorities that Trump was a white nationalist and his followers were racists. We didn’t listen to the media then; we voted to Make America Great Again. Let’s do it again this year on November 6th.

Rafael Ender

Reflections: November, 5 2016

The energy, the excitement, the intensity is off the charts!

I turn around. The line stretches back into the distance as for as the eye can see.. It’s as if people are waiting in line to see a new Stars Wars movie or rock star. But no, this is much bigger. It’s not only excitement that fills the air, but a certain sense of seriousness, determination and vision that embodies the sea of people before me. This mental current is so powerful, so palpable it’s as though I’m physically immersed in it. You hear about this stuff on TV, but only until you have experienced this in person, do you truly feel part of it.

My family got to the Trump rally after spending that afternoon campaigning.

Campaigning is difficult. You’re knocking on doors and making calls to random people. Some of them are positive and enthusiastic, many of them are apathetic or hostile. Half the people you call hang up on you. Many of the doors I knocked on didn’t answer. Some of these houses had two cars parked in front them. There were times when I heard voices inside and the doors stayed shut.

Of course there were people who were excited about Trump. Some were very excited. But campaigning was draining and also confusing.

I’m feeling this energy, this hope, this desire to make America Great Again. Campaigning, I often felt like I was in a different planet, a different America. Where are the people like me? Where are the people who can see America’s emerging in this crucible. Where are the people who can feel the crackling energy in their bones?

My children were excited about going to the rally. My four year old daughter drew a flower for Donald Trump. She said “I only see Donald Trump on the computer. I want to see him for real.” My 2 year old son (who you see in Cassandra’s video) kept on saying “Donald Trump, Donald Trump” and singing “Old Mcdonald had a farm”. The rally starts late in the evening, but my wife and I feel that it is a historic opportunity for our children.

I see the rally as an opportunity for my children. This is a unique moment for our country. I don’t know if we’ll ever again have this passion, this energy, this opportunity again in America. In many ways it’s do or die for America.

Whether Trump wins or loses; whether we succeed or fail; I want my children to know that we were a part of it. I want my grown children to look back on this day with pride. In twenty years, whether Virginia is part of a Great America or some version of Mexico: my children will know that we fought for our country; and that we were not alone.

Sunday night I’m on my way to the rally. We’re over an hour and half early.

As we get close the traffic picks up. Then it comes to a standstill. We spend what seems like forever trying to keep the kids entertained as we inch the minivan forward. People are parking on the side of the highway exit and walking. It’s much faster that way. I’d love to do that; probably not a good idea with the stroller. What would we do if our minivan gets towed? We live out of state.

The traffic comes to a standstill, as far as the eye can see.

There is a sense of “happening” in the air. A pickup truck and assorted vehicles are parked on the side of the road bearing massive Trump signs (and anti-Hillary signs).

Finally we’re through. We’re in Loundon County Fairgrounds, a massive park of some sort.  The numbers of people are enormous.

There are cars parked along the sides of every spot of road. It seems the parking lot is full. People are parking on any available spot of grass.

There are humans everywhere on the barely illuminated road; dark, tall spots in this very cold night. We finally find a spot two and a half miles away from the rally. We get the kids out. It’s freezing, it’s very dark. We came here by GPS. What do we do now; how do we find our way?

We’re walking from car to venue. It’s a pitch black night. Blinding headlights are in our eyes. Kristen in blue is leading the way.

A kind lady in her forties walks by with a flashlight. Kristen tells us we can just follow the crowds of people streaming through the streets, but she waits until we get the kids in the stroller and becomes our guide and our friend.

We walk in the dark. There are people all around us. We get blinded by the lights of incoming cars. Every few minutes we get “buzzed”, blinded by a high speed secret service motorcycle, flashing super-bright lights.

Kristen has showed us a bike trail. It’s dark and there are people all around us. Everyone is in a positive mood. The dishonest media talks “angry Trump supporters”. What I felt was energy, confidence and vision; Make America Great Again is a movement. I’m a part of it.

We’re walking down the bike path. It seems to go on forever. It was pitch black. In this picture the flash was on full brightness.

We’re about to reach the end of the bike trail and suddenly the foot traffic stops. We’ve reached the line to the rally. Then the people behind us join the line. In a few minutes, the line stretches back as far as we can see. We see endless dots of light behind us in the dark. Flashlights.

We’re at the end of the bike path. You can see the line snaking up the hill.

We just made it.

Slowly the line exits the trail and moves up a small hill. The trail continues into a large field with long lines of humanity crisscrossing their way through it; six times. Someone calls out, “they’ve stopped the inflow”. Sure enough about 300 people behind us, the entry barricades have been closed.

Word passes up the line the rally is filled to capacity and they’ve closed the “gates”. The lights you see are the vanguard of those that didn’t get in.

The open field was turned into on long line of people. It zigged and zagged, snaking through the entire field.

After an hour, a man calls out, “Trump has arrived”. The crowd cheers. Then he continues, “in Philadelphia!”. I realize it’s going to be a long night.

Three hours later we finally get in. It’s past midnight. The room is packed; everyone seems to be standing. We can’t get in. We can’t even get close. The huge barnlike structure has massive doors. Hundreds of people are jammed outside trying to get a peek in. I go to the edge of this overflow crowd to take a look. I can’t see the stage. I only see the press corps in their cage at the back.

As the preliminary speakers (Laura Ingraham, politicians, etc…) speak, my wife and I are with the sleeping children on a little hill about 200 feet away from the “barn”.

At a hill next to the main room. The venue filled up almost immediately;  the overflow crowd tried to get as close as possible. (If you zoom in, you can see the press cage inside.)

If you zoom in on the last picture, you can see the people straining to get a peek in the rally. And of course, the press cage.

I wish we could have gotten in. My daughter cries to me later “I didn’t see Donald Trump. I don’t want to leave.” With all the hustle and bustle, with all the commotion, I feel comfortable and happy.

You’ve felt this feeling before. It’s the feeling you experience when coming into your warm and loving home after a long journey. You are where you belong.

I could go on for pages. It was an adventure. My kids were so excited the next day! My wife thanked me for inspiring her to come with our new baby.

I’d like to reflect with you about the experience.

The entire event was positive. It was amazing to see the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of the Trump supporters. Many said that they came for the sole purpose of showing support.

I was honored to meet and have a fun interview with Cassandra Fairbanks and Tim Pool.

I was impressed with the caliber of the Trump supporters. There were perhaps five volunteers handling the massive lines. The thousands of people maintained decorum, civility and positive mindset throughout. No one jumped the line. There were times when a blanket fell off my children and the line, 7 people wide, waited patiently behind us while we tucked the children in.

As you can see from the Cassandra’s video and the pictures, I look distinctly Jewish, with a head covering. I only had the most warm encounters and vibes from everyone around me. The people who Hillary puts into the “Basket of Deplorables” are kind, good people. As one of many minorities present, I felt comfortable and welcomed. Crybabies like Ben Shapiro should go to a Trump rally and experience the love, instead of finding a few twitter trolls to complain about.

The media and elites work hard to make us feel alone, to make us feel guilty, to make us feel despair. They brand Trump supporters  as racist, homophobic, xenophobic, deplorable and basement dwelling. Sometimes we are tempted to believe them: Trump has no shot; the polls are against him, he’s a horrible person, Donald Trump is another Hitler!

At the rally, the lie is clear. The thousands of individuals there radiate goodness and love for America and our countrymen. Being at a rally is taking the red pill. It brings clarity, a sense of contentment; a confidence that you are not crazy; an awareness that despite the lies swirling around you, the lies targeted at you, your cause is just and we can win.

This Trump rally filled me with hope. The thousands people filled with optimism. The warmth, civility and graciousness of everyone was something very special. We are joyous warriors energized by the prospect of taking our country back. I thank people like Cassandra and Cernovich for bringing this enthusiasm into our homes with Twitter, blogs and dedication. A big thank to the Drudge Report for giving us objective reporting and countering the media’s spin.

I have never seen a man attacked with the intensity, viciousness and hate that is directed at Donald Trump. That’s what happens when the special interests have hundreds of trillions of dollars at stake. They don’t want their tentacles of power sliced off. The inner strength, confidence and antifragility of Donald Trump is inspiring. I thank Donald Trump for leading this good fight; for rising above the elite and political swamp and for filling us all with hope. I truly believe that we can Make America Great Again and that we can Take Our Country Back.

Rafael Ender